Friday, February 8, 2008

Welcome to our family blog. Isn't technology terrific. It makes it so easy for us to keep in touch with one another. For family and friends who are ALL OVER the world, we love you and want to share our experiences with you.
Lisa, Todd, Javan, Caleb, Cydnee, Malaya, and Daniel.


Happy The Man said...

Brother Greg Baker dropping in! Found you through Sarah Nagel/Kristen Young connection. My family is going to be at Aaron Young and Megan Ensign's wedding in like 11 days. I hope to see you guys if you're going. Your family is absolutely beautiful (are you guys trying to catch up with us???). Man, you've got a lot of little ones close together. But they are all adorable.

Todd, not sure if your folks still live in Sandy Plains ward, if not and we don't see them, please send "hellos" to them from us.

scoopypoopy said...

TODD!!! ( I thinkI met you once or twice Lisa)

This is Susan,Aaron's friend from High School. ( well, Church/High School, considering I lived in Covington, now I am in Conyers)

I got bored and started punching names in google... lol

I know Wendy and Aaron are back from Germany ( and have been a while now) I have been horribly lazy and not called. Will you give them my email, and have them email me? I would love to get to gether one weekend, and let the kids play. ( I only have one, and 11 year old girlie girl)

You must tell me name of the kids in the pic of them all. I am guessing the oldest girla t the top on the staris is (excuse spelling) Clorisa? I believe then only had 3-4 last time I saw Wendy.

You say there is 12.. who has how many? hee Jared? Brett? S'plain dude!

You grew up!! I pulled out photo lbums from old church dances when I saw this and LAUGHED. We were all sooo young.

LIke I said, we MUST all get together.. Have Wendy or Aaron call me or email..

Susan (Parks) Cooper
